The Collison Brothers

Table of Contents


Hello my name is Leon O'Toole.I have done my project on Irish Brothers Patrick & John Collison.I have coded this website by myself using HTML and CSS.
If you would like to verify that it is my code you can right click on laptop and click inspect I have hidden a secret codeword in my code. Can you find it??

The Collison Brothers

Early life

Patrick Collison was born in 1988 and his younger brother John was born in 1990 .They lived in a small town called Dromineer in Co. Tipperary. Patrick was very interested in computers especially after he read a book about computer programming. When he was 8 he took a computer course in the University of Limerick and was learning computer programming at the age of 10. John Collison was also interested in computers . When they were both still in secondary school the brothers created Shuppa a software company, which was later sold for €5 million when Patrick was 19 and in college and John was 17 and getting ready to do his Leaving cert.

Young Scientist of the year 2005

In 2005 Patrick Collison won the 41st BT young scientist of the year award.
He was 16 at the time he won €3,000 and a Waterford crystal trophy.
He made a LISP type programming language called CROMA.In a interview Patrick said he would let everyone use his invention called CROMA

Him holding the award


The Collison brothers became billionares by coding stripe, shuppa and CROMA. The collison brothers started coding from the age of 8.
Shuppa was coded by the two brothers in 2007. Shuppa is a app for shopping.
Stripe was made by the Collison brothers in 2010. The brothers encourage Kids to code by doing projects and entering competitions such as TECS and Patch

Since 2020 I have been learning to code using Mimo and codemonkey here are the links to those two websites.


stripe is cool

Stripe was coded in 2010.
It is a payment platform that the brothers coded and makes it easier for businesses to take payments online.
Stripe is used by 263,722 companies including Amazon, and Deliveroo.

10 facts

  1. Patrick and his brother John worked in Buenos Aires

  2. Stripe was completed within 14 months

  3. Stripe is worth $95 billion US dollars

  4. The brothers were multi millionaire's before they were twenty

  5. Patrick is an MIT dropout, John dropped out of Harvard University

  6. Patrick is big on reading books this is his website where he has a reading list. Patricks Reading list

  7. John recently became the youngest self-made billionaire. His net worth is $1.1 billion. His brother has the same net worth, but since John is younger, he is the one who broke the record.

  8. Stripe has doubled in size over the past year

  9. John is a Pilot

  10. I had fun doing this


I chose to do my project on The Collison Brothers as they are two successful Irish men.
I have enjoyed learning about them as I am also interested in coding.